Sunday, September 9, 2018

Analysis of open tracking data, 01, Data of Petterson et al. (2014)

How to make the following figure.

Environment, Google Colaboratory (in the following, `colab')
Language, python 3

Tracking data of a player.

This is the reference paper.

"Soccer video and player position dataset": S. A. Pettersen, D. Johansen, H. Johansen, V. Berg-Johansen, V. R. Gaddam, A. Mortensen, R. Langseth, C. Griwodz, H. K. Stensland, and P. Halvorsen, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Systems (MMSys), Singapore, March 2014, pp. 18-23 

The data may only be used for non-commercial research purposes.

The paper and data are found in this page.

The data format is CSV, and open tracking data is only for players.

As an computer environment, `colab' is selected.

One can use  Python and Jupiter notebook, only with a web browser and google account, for free.

Sometimes, it takes time to construct a programming environment.

If you are a beginner, and have interest in making a figure like the above, I recommend `colab.'

I open a notebook to make the above figure. One can read what is done. 

But, sorry, the source code is not clean.

There may be other better writings.

About `colab' and how to mounting Google Drive, please check by yourself. 

For data input and output, Google Drive is used.

If you are a beginner of python and the other computer languages, check this notebook.

If you are a beginner of Linux and UNIX, you should know commands, `ls, cd, cp, mv, mkdir, and ...'

I will not reply to beginners' questions.

On one's own responsibility.

In The DEBS 2013 Grand Challenge, another data set is opened.

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